Saturday, August 1, 2009

2009 Summer Vacation

Got back this Monday from 2 weeks up north. After traveling 2400 miles, we're wiped out and our cups are running over!! We spent about 10 days in Michigan on the lake fishing, boating, tubing, skiing, having water fights, playing cards, eating and just visiting. Tradd pretty much just fished the whole time. He did quite well and managed to catch an 18 inch large mouth bass all by himself (cousin Brandon helped him land it). Tradd also tried to ski for the first time. We never really got to the point of saying "hit it" cuz' his skis were just never ready. But, I was thrilled he said he wanted to try.

Cooper did a little bit of everything and was not quite as obsessive as Tradd about fishing. Cooper found a stray cat and they quickly bonded. He bravely told Uncle Dave that he wanted to go for a speed boat ride and when they went real fast, Cooper sat down on the floor of the boat and said "this isn't fun Uncle Dave!" When he did go fishing with Uncle Rob, Cooper caught a 24 inch Pike and so did Tradd.

Drayton and Coleman had fun playing in a little blow-up pool and they also loved all the attention from family. Scott's family joined us at the cottage and we all had a really great time. Coleman and her cousin Nicole are real pals so Coleman really had lots of one on one time with her.

The weather was beautiful about 4 days and then there were those cold, windy and rainy days too but we really had a good time anyway. At one point, between our cottage and my brother's cottage, there were 21 of us. We ate dinner together every evening and played together during the day. What a blast!!! It's cherry season in MI so mom made homemade cherry pie almost every evening. She also made homemade blueberry muffins nearly every night so I saw mom buy lots of flour and sugar from the local grocery throughout the week. Scott and I didn't have cell phone coverage at the cottage. I loved this but my wonderful husband went into some withdrawal I think. He loved to go into town on a daily basis to get the newspaper and other things, like bait for all of Tradd's fishing. His cell had coverage in a local cemetery (don't ask me how he ever discovered this) so I think he frequented this place throughout the week as well. I was in my glory staying at the cottage looking out at the lake, sitting in the sun, watching and listening for Loon and looking out for Bald Eagles. The day that Tradd caught his big bass, we were in the backyard and we saw a Bald Eagle land in the top of a nearby tree. What a surprise!!! The tree was 40 yards away and it was only about 35 feet tall. Incredible!! Later in the week, we saw 4 flying together. 2 were mature adults and 2 were young. We also saw/heard the Loon everyday. I love that sound. A couple of cottages up the road from us is a farm with three horses. It was of course very exciting for the children and horses are my fave!!
After Michigan, we stopped back in Ohio at mom and dad's house for a few days. So we have a couple pics of that. This was the year for my 20th reunion from High School. Yikes!! Pretty crazy to see these virtual strangers. Scott kept asking if I was having fun and I think my answer was "not really fun but glad I'm here, this is interesting." Some of the people I really wanted to see weren't there. Anyway, it was definitely worth while.
Well, it was a great vacation and the kids really did very well in the car all that way. We don't do the DVD player thing and we don't even have a working CD player so it's the radio or just our singing but it's usually good family time. Between the games and the silly songs, nap time, eating and answering the kids millions of questions, it all went by very fast. I used to drive the whole trip but Scott now does the driving because he gets sick if he's turning around doing stuff for the kids. This is quite a transition for me and for him but we managed very nicely!! I'm feeling very tired today so my writing seems a bit dull. There are so many fun stories but I think I captured the highlights. Scott can add his two cents later if he chooses. What a blessing it is to have wonderful family get-togethers where there is peace and fellowship, to have this cottage that is 90 years old and provides such therapeutic retreats, to have safe travels for all who came and also for vehicles that worked well all that way too!!!! The blessings are numerous and so are the memories. Speaking of blessings and memories: Scott and I celebrated our 10th anniversary on the 16th. We took some time away from the kids at the cottage and went to a nearby town to do some window shopping and just hang out together. We had to take Drayton with us because of nursing and I forgot to get a pump and some bottles before the trip. Well, we had a nice time anyway and of course bought some things for the kids. Now it's time to do some serious planning for the next school year. I think I'll have the boys do a music class with some other kids. Should be fun I think and Coleman might be in a special pre-school where she'll get some extra therapy. We're looking into this. My thought is, the more therapy the better. She's doing great but more can only help! Because of the kids' activites outside of the home that may mean that my house will actually get cleaned once in a while. It's really shabby right now! UGH!! (Of course it may also mean that it'll get worse because I'll be in the car more for drop off and pick up.)