I told
Tradd about the dedication ceremony for Coleman and described it as something we do that lets everyone know we are serious about or committed to raising her up to know and love Jesus. I told him that we did this with him and with Cooper.
Tradd said something to me about
Simba from the movie The Lion King. I said something like "was
Simba dedicated too?" Well, we took
Tradd to church with us instead of sending him to his classroom. We tried to do the same with Cooper but he wanted to see Miss Jessica. After Coleman was prayed over by our beloved Pastor Michael,
Tradd asked me when Coleman was going to be "raised up" like
Simba!? All of a sudden his words from earlier came back to me and I pictured the movie where
Mufasa, the King and father of
Simba, raises him up to show all in the
prideland his successor. We got a real kick out of that!
Speaking of
Tradd, let me brag on him a little bit. We went to
Walmart the other day to buy a small toy which I was using as bribery because I needed to run some errands and I wanted it to be a happy time. We were expecting company after nap time and these were kids we'd never met before.
Tradd picked out three toys, one for himself and two for the children that were coming to see us. I thought that was really precious of him and so, of course, we bought the other toys as well.
Tradd does that sort of thing a lot. He spent most of this morning talking about his friend Andrew and creating gifts to give him.
Tradd is an inventor. He likes to put things together that don't originally go together, in order to make something. He told me that sometimes he has to bite the toys to make them fit together but he says "that's o.k.
cuz' that makes the toys better." When he gets a little older, I can't wait to see the stuff he'll come up with. He kind of reminds me of that kid in Toy Story, the one next door to Andy. I know that's probably a bad comparison but that kid was pretty ingenious. The storytellers just made him sort of evil. So
Tradd is like him except he's not evil. I know he's gifted to be able to think of uses for things that were not originally designed for such uses and I think this will be a real asset to whatever he chooses to do when he grows up. (Not sure if that made sense, been awake since about 5 AM)
Tradd has also recently learned how to swing all by himself. I told him that I wasn't going to be pushing a 5 year old boy on the swing and that he needed to learn. So, he made it with about 6 months to spare!
Tradd is tearing up the memory verses we've given him and is also doing quite well with some Spanish vocab. He's a bright one. I really need to spend some time with him on writing skills. I know he could be doing that by now, I just haven't taught him. His attention to detail and his memory have always impressed me and has made me think twice about home-schooling someone so precocious!! I'll have to brag on Cooper some other time when I'm not so worn out from all his antics!! I must say that I've wised up. I now shut the bathroom door tight so that anyone going in there makes a big noise which tells me I'd better go check it out. Then, I put the hand towel out of reach on top of the shower rod because Cooper soaks it
every time he's in the bathroom!!!!! Well, now he can't do that. Of course, it requires lots of energy on my part to be where he is all the time and still cook, clean, do dishes and laundry etc. I really think we should get rid of all chairs in our house. I don't get to sit in them anyway so what's the point!? (HA HA! Don't feel sorry for me, just being funny!)