Friday, April 10, 2009

Christ has risen!

I love the Easter season. I think Easter has to be my favorite holiday. Christmas is great - love the lights, love the sounds, love the fact that it is Jesus' birthday (although I think too many people overlook that part). But if Jesus would have only been born, then what? That's why I love this whole week - The thought that Jesus entered into the city, hailed as a king and within a few short days everything changed. He was betrayed by one of his own friends, he was tried for a crime he didn't commit, and he was put to death in a very painful and horrible way. But what if that is where it ended? What if Jesus was born, lived a sinless life and died. Where would we be? Its true Jesus had to die so that we could be forgiven. Our church is doing the Thorn right now, a dramatic portrayal of the life of Christ. It is truly anointed by God. Every night I listen to the story of Jesus' life and I watch the portrayal of how he was beaten and nailed to a cross and how he died. (which as a side note - the cast and crew do an over the top job with this). But if Jesus just died then all we would be is forgiven. I love the way John the Beloved says it in the Thorn, and I'm paraphrasing; As I held Mary, mother of Jesus at the foot of that cross, and I looked up and saw my Lord take his final breath, I caught a glimpse in his eye that gave me hope. You see even though that chapter of his life was over, there was something in his look that told me, maybe just maybe the story wasn't over yet."
The story wasn't over yet! Jesus defeated sin on the cross when he took the sin of the world on - your sins and my sins - and they were forgiven on the cross. BUT three days later, Jesus defeated death, separation from God so that one day ALL who believe can live forever with God.
Christmas is great - Jesus was born. Good Friday is great - Jesus died for our sins so we are forgiven - But Easter is my favorite because it brings hope to a lost world. It shows that there is so much more than what we have here and now. Jesus has forgiven me and I know that when I leave this world I will spend eternity with God because I am not only forgiven, but Jesus defeated death, the separation from God.
My prayer is that you would go to a life giving church this Easter and reflect on what God has done for you, through his Son Jesus - and accept the forgiveness and the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ!
Christ has risen - He has risen indeed!

To view pictures of the Thorn go to